Welcome Aboard for some River Time!
LMRD #868, Monday, April 25, 2022
~~Quapaw Canoe Company~~
Memphis ~ Clarksdale ~ Vicksburg
Paddles up to SnooP, river beagle
We Mighty Quapaws are raising our paddles up to SnooP, river beagle 10/15/2005 - 4/2/2022, he is now a giant amongst the contemporary paddlers and adventurers of the middle of America! SnooP is now bounding happily across the never-ending sandbar on the ever-flowing river in the promised land….  Sending my sympathies and condolences to my good friend Tony Heck, SnooP's companion and caregiver, who rescued SnooP many years ago... We will miss SnooP! Sweet Snoop! SnooP has been Tony's heart-soul companion for so long…. And an icon amongst the paddlers of the middle of America... For Tony, I know the upcoming days will be difficult…. For the vacuum of his earthly presence…. Tony, if this is any consolation, I know that some part of SnooP will always by with you — his spirit for sure, and of course all the happy memories…. I thank you now for sharing many of those memories with me and others, in your explorations of the Mississippi, and other rivers of Missouri, and most memorable for me when y’all joined our Rivergator expeditions of 2017…. I am sharing a few photos so your Snoop-loving friends can enjoy also. I’ll be adding SnooP to my prayers, for his passage to the promised puppy land …. and to you I am sending healing prayers and intentions with a smudge blessing we will be doing from the Atchafalaya River during the next week…. to you, his loving caretaker, directly from the big muddy river herself (on the Atchafalaya, which is mostly muddy Mississippi River water, and of course everything that drains out of your State of Missouri home….) You and he, and your journeys, certainly have been one of the most special life expressions of the past 2 decades! Big River love to you brother…. I will miss SnooP riding on the prow of your canoe…. and bounding across the sandbars…. And your river exploration stories of his sausage and other goodies That said — I do hope your stories and photos will continue, from new explorations and adventures — and urge you to get out and continue doing that — in the spirit of your Snoop adventures — and for the good of your healing — in my experience, Mother Earth provides the most effective consolation for a hurting heart!  (I am sure you have felt this also!) Your friend, -John Sharing these so other SnooP-lovers can see — from when you joined us for the  Rivergator Expedition 2017, from Helena, AR, from a Duck Island Cleanup we participated in many years ago, like 2012 or something, and then many photos shared from you Tony Heck. Qué viva SnooP!
A SnooP Tribute from Tony Heck
SnooP has been the best companion, and I am going to miss him so very much. SnooP is part of me. This intelligent, beautiful beagle has torn down walls I'd set up in my heart, and warmed my heart. He and I were so close to having completed the Mississippi River, from Minnesota to the gulf. I am not sure if I can do any of those trips anymore without him. I wish we could have seen you last April, when we were in town.
SnooP’s Story
I know the right decision was made, as SnooP was starting to hurt, he told me he needed to go, but did not want to go. The past seven days, I have been his shadow, with him non-stop. SnooP rarely wanted picked-up, but wanted to be held for hours, so we did. SnooP was comforted, and reminded of the love he has, and the love he gave so many people. He listened to the list of states and rivers he's been and done, and how much I and loved him, and all his friends loved him.  This may not be in proper context, Psalms 37 states: Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. I do love the Lord God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and pray for the time when SnooP and I can be together again. SnooP spread SO much love, and brought happiness to everyone he met. SnooP was a better Christian than I, as he was so open and forgiving. I have said "We are the Joy Boys; SnooP brings it when we arrive; I bring it when I leave." "Altruistic" is not a word most would associate with me, but it was a HUGE joy, to watch the way people would light-up when SnooP was around. And I will miss seeing those expressions of love for a small, beautiful, friendly beagle. Right now, carrying on anything seems impossible, but we both know that God heals us via nature, and that the creeks and rivers are some of its most powerful healing features. I am glad SnooP and I went to one of his favorite creeks last weekend, where he "SnooPed around". He knew. Thank you, again, John. Fair wind and following seas, my friend. Tony & SnooP
SnooP's Turn to Talk:
The name I have known for 16 of my seventeen years is SnooP. The first year, a mean man and his family owned me, and i was very unhappy, but strong-willed. A stranger stopped by the tree I was cabled to one day, and I was afraid of him, but he pulled on my cable and he dragged me in. He petted me, and said I was the most beautiful beagle puppy he ever saw. When he put me down and started to walk away, I jumped up and bitted his bum and told him not to leave. The mean old man's wife told the mean old man to get rid of me. They asked the stranger (tony) if he wanted me, and he said he would take me. I was even more worried. I did not like man-humans, as they are mean, and I put tony to lots of tests, to make sure. But tony was ok, and my life has been best-most for the past 16 years. tony says my life has been a vacation, and that is true, for honest and for true. I have friends from Three Forks, to Burns Point, and from Dubuque down to the gulf, and more friends than my human has. tony says I am booshy, 'cause I have shaken more water from my fur than most folks paddle over, 'bout Four thousand miles is what tony tells me, that I have helped balance his canoe. it's easy to do, because i go on at least one canoe trip every month of my life, and have not missed a month in 16 years. I know we've seen the elephant, river-wise, and bunches of stuff, and lots of humans love me. I guess I am a Best-Boy.
SnooP’s 4,000 River Miles
John, I did a fast review of the miles that SnooP has ridden atop my canoe(s), and arrived at approx 4,000 river miles. He's done most of the Mississippi River, from Dubuque, Iowa down to Natchez (and multiple trip on the Mississippi around Hannibal down to STL), and has done most of the free-flowing Missouri River, and all of several Ozark rivers and creeks.  SnooP loved sandbars, and liked looking at rocks on gravel-bars (no fool'n), as we ambled around. When he was young, I'd tell him stories as we went down river. I told him of a place called Sausage Island, where a variety of sausages always grew, and were free for the eating. This story was told to him many times, and then......we found it! As we went down the Meramec River one day, we stopped for a stretch on a 100 yard-long gravel-bar. SnooP eventually made his to the far end of the bar, and his tail started wagging so hard, he couldn't walk straight. I had to see what in the world was up with him, so down I followed. When I got to SnooP, it was clear what was going on, SnooP has found the mythical Sausage Island. There were pounds and pounds of porks steaks, sliced salami, bratwurst and cheese scattered all along the bar. Seems that a St. Louis radio station had their annual lister appreciation float trip in this stretch of river, and this island was where they'd had their catered luncheon. SnooP was so happy, that I let him eat until he was done.
Another SnooP Story
Hey, John. Here's a short story, and maybe some random comments: In our home, we have a wall covered with one large photo of our Tripper, fully loaded, out on the Meramec River, showing a gravel bar, greens trees and hills in the distance, and blue sky. SnooP has gone paddling with me every month, for all of his life. Every month, consecutive, without a single skipped month. SnooP was so used to his river trips, that if we'd not been paddling for a couple weeks, SnooP would stand in front of that wall, facing that picture, and not move, until he had gained my attention.  It was clear to me that SnooP was asking (telling me is more likely) "River, please?" SnooP truly enjoyed every aspect of our trips, as our standard of living was even higher, out on the river and camping. Every vet that has seen SnooP has commented something like "This is an exceptional dog." or "He is very self aware." Nearly everyone that met SnooP knew he was extaordinary. Thank you for the help, John. I wish SnooP and I could be with you, paddling the Atch. SnooP would recommend Billy's, in Krotz Springs for the best cracklings, and fried cajun food. Bless You, our friend.
SnooP Forever Running on the Endless Sandbars
I want to tell you a short story, of when SnooP and I would go on walks. SnooP, being such a good boy that he walked free-range, would sometimes get excited on a trail, and get ahead of me. SnooP wouldn't be out of sight for long, as he'd stop, and walk back towards me a little, and watch his back-trail, to ensure I was following him, and we knew where each other was. One of the many reasons I love SnooP. We talked, over the last weeks and days, that he would need to walk up ahead of the trail, but he should watch his back-trail, as I would surely follow him, even if it took longer than he had waited before, I would follow him, and we'd be together again.  SnooP knew. In our manner of communicating, he told me so. He said he had a great life, but needed to leave me, and he believed that I would find him. Similar to faith in Christ, we shall be reunited. SnooP fell asleep in my arms, and started up that trail. The consolation is knowing the joy in the reunion will well surpass the pain of separation.
Tony & SnooP Long Distance Paddlers https://missouririverwatertrail.org/paddling-missouri-river/trip-planning-and-distances https://www.racefortherivers.org/index.php https://www.missouririverpaddlers.com/